Donations are happily accepted to help us reach our goals! Thank you!
We are a 501(c)3 Organization 82-4933802
Our primary mission is to raise funds to support clinical trials in Southern California conducting cutting edge research. There are many well funded programs that have amazing success with Melanoma patients. Sometimes patients are in need of the latest research and trials. SFM works with this niche Doctor population and strives to provide funding.
Increase awareness amongst youth and young adults of the pervasiveness and growth of Melanoma among their associated age group, while underscoring the importance of detection and treatment. By targeting high schools and universities with events, and appealing to them by utilizing social media as a form of communication, SFM hopes to reduce the skyrocketing growth of this form of cancer in Southern California.
SFM does not wish to influence its community by instilling fear, but rather educate people on how preventable this form of cancer can be with effective detection techniques as part of their health care regiment. Our detection campaigns will not only promote annual screenings, but also provide guidance on ongoing self-detection techniques.